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In The Loop November 2015 In This Issue Symposium Registration, International Impact, Upcoming Trainings, CACs in the News, NCAC Out and About, What’s New in CALiO? Click here to view this Newsletter…

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In This Issue Upcoming Trainings, Forensic Interviewing White Paper Released, Children’s Exposure to Violence, New Recorded Webinar, CACs in the News, Child Welfare and Human Trafficking, Quote of the Month,…

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In This Issue Upcoming Trainings, Keynote Speaker Selected, Do Forensic Interview Protocols Work for Preschoolers?, New Online Trainings, Selecting and Implementing Evidence-Based Practices, Quote of the Month, NCAC Out and…

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In This Issue Celebrate with NCAC, 32nd Annual Symposium, Improving Services for Sex Trafficking, Upcoming NCAC Trainings, Childhood Trauma and Its Effects, CAC of the Month, Fallibility of Memory in…

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In This IssueUpcoming Trainings, What’s New in CALiO, CAC of the Month, Quote of the Month, Lessons Learned Adverse Childhood Experiences, NCAC Out and About, Special Guest at NCAC, Understanding…

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