Spanish Speaking Forensic Interview Training

Virtual Training

This training will begin with a review of the principles of recognized “best practice” forensic interviewing, then will quickly move to address the unique challenges faced by forensic interviewers who work with a variety of culturally diverse Spanish-speaking populations. The training will focus on how to accommodate the needs of these children without compromising the […]


More Than One Interview: When, Why and How

Virtual Training

Forensic interviewers and multi-disciplinary partners recognize the shortcomings of strict adherence to a “one and done” interview approach. Research provides some clarification of reasons why a child may need more than one interview and limited recommendations for implementation, leaving forensic interviewers and their investigative partners with little clarity about how to apply this information to […]


Getting the Best Information from a Narrative Child Witness

Virtual Training

Forensic interviewers often focus much attention on strategies for interviewing reluctant children. Alternatively, there are also skills to be developed and generously applied when interviewing a highly narrative child. The use of invitations, breadth and depth questions, open and specific ‘wh-’ questions and limited use of option posing questions provides a framework for understanding and […]


Critical Thinking in the Forensic Interview: moving from rote to responsive practice

National Children's Advocacy Center Training Facility 210 Pratt Avenue NE, Training Building, Huntsville, AL, United States

Effective forensic interviewers must possess a broad repertoire of skills. Additionally, forensic interviewers should develop a critical thinking framework to accommodate the needs of the child and the investigative team, especially in highly complex cases. This training focuses on preparing interviewers to make thoughtful decisions throughout the entirety of the interview. Suggestions for engaging with […]


Increasing Skill in Forensic Interviewing of Children

Virtual Training

Mastering the use of optimal questioning strategies and legally defensible social support requires additional training beyond an initial one-week class. This course deepens interviewers’ understanding of the why and how of effective questioning strategies and the provision of sensitive and targeted social support. Opportunities for practice are provided. This training is highly recommended as the […]


More Than One Interview: When, Why, and How

Virtual Training

Forensic interviewers and multi-disciplinary partners recognize the shortcomings of strict adherence to a “one and done” interview approach. Research provides some clarification of reasons why a child may need more than one interview and limited recommendations for implementation, leaving forensic interviewers and their investigative partners with little clarity about how to apply this information to […]
