Preparation and Adaptations for Interviewing Children with Mental Health Needs

Virtual Training

Children referred for a forensic interview during an investigation of maltreatment may also present with either a diagnosis or concerns about their mental health including but not limited to PTSD, depressive disorder, anxiety, and sleep disorder. They may also present with concerning behavioral indicators such as a history of self-harm, suicide ideation or prior attempts, […]


Preparation and Adaptations for Interviewing Children with a Disability

Virtual Training

Children with a disability are at high risk for victimization. Forensic interviewers well trained in their discipline may lack confidence when speaking with a child with a disability as it is unrealistic to expect that an interviewer be well versed in the impact of the wide variety of disabilities on a child’s behavioral, cognitive, linguistic, […]


Forensic Interviewing of Children Training

Virtual Training

The National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC) Forensic Interviewing of Children training is an internationally recognized, research-informed and practice-informed intensive training. Participants will learn necessary skills to conduct a competent investigative interview of a child using the NCAC Child Forensic Interview (CFI) Structure. Participants will also be introduced to the evidence-based literature that supports the NCAC […]


Critical Thinking in the Forensic Interview: moving from rote to responsive practice

National Children's Advocacy Center Training Facility 210 Pratt Avenue NE, Training Building, Huntsville, AL, United States

Effective forensic interviewers must possess a broad repertoire of skills. Additionally, forensic interviewers should develop a critical thinking framework to accommodate the needs of the child and the investigative team, especially in highly complex cases. This training focuses on preparing interviewers to make thoughtful decisions throughout the entirety of the interview. Suggestions for engaging with […]


Interviewing Children on the Autism Spectrum

Virtual Training

Children with neuro-divergent disorders such as ASD are at an increased risk of child maltreatment. This population presents challenges for forensic interviewers as there is great variability in functioning including unique memory and cognitive processes, linguistic style, understanding and expression of emotions, and forming connections with others. Many of these children can provide information about […]


Forensic Interviewing of Children Training

National Children's Advocacy Center Training Facility 210 Pratt Avenue NE, Training Building, Huntsville, AL, United States

The National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC) Forensic Interviewing of Children training is an internationally recognized, research-informed and practice-informed intensive training. Participants will learn necessary skills to conduct a competent investigative interview of a child using the NCAC Child Forensic Interview (CFI) Structure. Participants will also be introduced to the evidence-based literature that supports the NCAC […]


Supervision of Child Forensic Interviewers

National Children's Advocacy Center Training Facility 210 Pratt Avenue NE, Training Building, Huntsville, AL, United States

The role of the forensic interviewer within the CAC continues to evolve, calling for a greater level of competence and skill. Limited opportunities for peer review are no longer sufficient to meet this goal. Long recognized in medicine and mental health, supervision is an established relationship between a senior practitioner and junior colleague(s) focused on […]


Increasing Skill in Forensic Interviewing of Children

Virtual Training

Mastering the use of optimal questioning strategies and legally defensible social support requires additional training beyond an initial one-week class. This course deepens interviewers’ understanding of the why and how of effective questioning strategies and the provision of sensitive and targeted social support. Opportunities for practice are provided. This training is highly recommended as the […]


Interviewing Children who Identify as LGBTQ

Virtual Training

Forensic interviewers often encounter children and adolescents who have a marginalized sexual orientation and/or gender identity (i.e., LGBQT+). These children and teens are at high risk for all forms of maltreatment and other adversities and traumas for being who they are authentically. As a result, they could present to the CAC, MDT, and/or FI with […]


Forensic Interviewing of Children Training

National Children's Advocacy Center Training Facility 210 Pratt Avenue NE, Training Building, Huntsville, AL, United States

The National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC) Forensic Interviewing of Children training is an internationally recognized, research-informed and practice-informed intensive training. Participants will learn necessary skills to conduct a competent investigative interview of a child using the NCAC Child Forensic Interview (CFI) Structure. Participants will also be introduced to the evidence-based literature that supports the NCAC […]


More Than One Interview: When, Why, and How

Virtual Training

Forensic interviewers and multi-disciplinary partners recognize the shortcomings of strict adherence to a “one and done” interview approach. Research provides some clarification of reasons why a child may need more than one interview and limited recommendations for implementation, leaving forensic interviewers and their investigative partners with little clarity about how to apply this information to […]


Forensic Interviewing of Children Training

National Children's Advocacy Center Training Facility 210 Pratt Avenue NE, Training Building, Huntsville, AL, United States

The National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC) Forensic Interviewing of Children training is an internationally recognized, research-informed and practice-informed intensive training. Participants will learn necessary skills to conduct a competent investigative interview of a child using the NCAC Child Forensic Interview (CFI) Structure. Participants will also be introduced to the evidence-based literature that supports the NCAC […]
