Our Services


Family Support Services

Family Support Services are available for parents and caregivers in Madison County. To access the services, contact the Case Management Coordinator 256-327-3765256-327-3765 or by e-mailing. The Case Management Coordinator will talk with caregivers by phone or at the National Children’s Advocacy Center (NCAC) to assess their needs and connect them with resources at the NCAC and in the community. To access the services, contact the Case Management Coordinator 256-327-3765256-327-3765 or e-mail .

Healthy Families North Alabama

Healthy Families North Alabama is a support and education program for first-time parents in Madison County. The program begins Services begin in the last trimester of pregnancy or before the baby is one month old and may continue until the child starts kindergarten.  The services may continue until the child starts kindergarten. Parents will have in-home meetings with a family support worker on a regular basis. This program not only provides a new parent support system, but it also teaches effective parenting and child development information. A Family Support Specialist meets with parents in the home and offers child development resources, family goal planning, transportation assistance to medical appointments, and helps parents build a strong and secure connection with their children.

Parenting Class

The NCAC offers a seven-week long Parenting Class. Parents will learn about the ages and stages of infants and toddlers development in children and teens, how to be a nurturing parent, ways to deal with stress and anger, and much more. For more information about Parenting Classes e-mail or call 256-327-3765256-327-3765.

Partnership in Parenting

Partnership in Parenting is a parent support program offering information about positive parenting and healthy relationships emphasizing the importance of both parents’ involvement with their children. Topics include behavior management, managing emotions and stress, as well as child and teen safety. The program also provides connections to community resources.

For more information about Partnership in Parenting e-mail or call 256-327-3776256-327-3776.

Logo Handle With Care

The National Children’s Advocacy Center is the managing agency for the Alabama Handle With Care program. Handle With Care is designed to link emergency responders with school personnel when a child has experienced a potentially traumatic event. This program is designed to keep children in the classroom, while attending to needs in a trauma-informed manner.

If an emergency responder encounters a child during a call, the school receives a “Handle With Care” notice concerning that child before the school bell rings the next day. School staff will then observe the child to determine if additional support is needed. The “Handle With Care” notice does not include details about the potentially traumatic event and school staff are trained not to question the child about what happened.

Visit the Handle With Care Alabama website


The Child, Advocacy, Resilience, Education and Support Team, known as CARES is the Madison County community response team for children impacted by substance use disorder. The CARES Team supports the children and families who are impacted by a parent’s substance use disorder including the caregiver and the parent who is struggling. The team is comprised of non-judgmental professionals from several different agencies with the common purpose of helping families into a long safe and healthy recovery.

Children in the CARES program will have access to medical care, trauma therapy, and caregiver assistance from an NCAC family advocate. A limited number of children are accepted into the CARES program through a referral process.


Not One More

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Recovery Organization of Support Specialist

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Partnership for a Drug Free Community

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Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services

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